On December 14, the 18th working group plenary meeting of the Industrial Internet Industry Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the “Alliance”) opened in Shenzhen.  The Industrial Internet Industry Alliance organized the conference, the People’s Government of Bao’an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Wang Feng, Director of the Industrial Internet office of the Information and Communication Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Yang Hui, a second-level researcher of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Bao’an District, Shenzhen and Zhang Shunmao, Senior Vice President of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd and Vice President of the Corporate Strategy Department attended the meeting and delivered speeches.  The meeting was presided over by Hu Jianbo, secretary general of the Alliance.

Wang Feng said that as the industrial ecological carrier with the most significant of members and the most comprehensive coverage in the global industrial Internet field, the Alliance has carried out a series of fruitful work in technological innovation, legal development, industrial practice, international cooperation, and talent training.  It is hoped that the Alliance will maintain a good development trend, further enhance its role as a bridge and make more remarkable contributions to the development of the Industrial Internet.  Strengthen innovation leadership, focus on key technologies and typical applications of industrial internet for in-depth research, and promote the development and implementation of relevant standards; deepen integration and development, expand industrial Internet application scenarios, and promote qualified enterprises to speed up the construction of 5G fully connected factories, and cooperate with professional institutions in the industrial field/ organize the compilation of integration reference guides for more subdivided industries and fields; improve the industrial ecology, promote the integration and innovation of industrial Internet and new technologies and industrial cultivation; Deepen opening and sharing, give full play to the role of enterprises in innovation, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international organizations and enterprises.

Yang Hui said that Bao’an District, as an economic and manufacturing area in Shenzhen, has solid industrial strength.  Therefore, Bao’an District Party Committee and District Government attach great importance to the development of the Industrial Internet.  Bao’an District has specially established a leading group with the secretary and the district head serving as double leaders.  In 2021, the “No. 1 Document” will be issued in the form of “Bao’an District Vigorously Develop Industrial Internet.”  Several Measures to enable the Transformation and Upgrading of the Manufacturing Industry”.  In Bao’an District, several excellent application benchmarking demonstration industries have emerged in critical industries such as electronic information, mold manufacturing, and equipment manufacturing and have cultivated and expanded the number of excellent industrial internet service providers and platform providers.  This year, Bao’an was rated as the only Five-star industrial internet demonstration base in the country by the Industry News and the Ministry of Information Technology.  At present, developing the industrial internet and empowering enterprises to transform and upgrade has become the consensus of Bao’an District government, enterprises, and all sectors of society.

Zhang Shunmao said that since its establishment in 2016, the Industrial Internet Industry Alliance has given full play to its traction and leading role, gathered the strength of all parties in the industrial internet industry ecology, and truly become a two-way communication platform for the government and enterprises, a cross-border integration platform in the field of industry and information communication, and an effective docking platform for domestic development and international cooperation.  It has made outstanding contributions to the rapid development of China’s Industrial Internet Industry and the realization of becoming an industrial powerhouse.  As the vice-chairman unit of the alliance, Huawei actively participates in the alliance’s work, including white papers, standards, and testbeds.  Focusing on critical content such as operating systems and industrial software in the industrial field, we will build Euler and Hongmeng open-source operating systems, provide a second choice for Chinese industries, and actively “build a soul” in the field of the industrial Internet.  In the future, Huawei will continue to invest and make more significant contributions.

At the meeting, Secretary-General Hu Jianbo summarized the overall work progress of the alliance and introduced the critical task plan of the alliance in 2022.  At present, the alliance has developed into the world’s largest industrial ecological carrier in the field of industrial Internet, improving overall supply capacity and enhanced industrial integration and application empowerment.  In 2022, the alliance will continue to implement the “Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Action Plan (2021-2023)” and continue to focus on white papers, testbeds, application cases, solutions, laboratories, training bases, accelerate the popularization of Rongtong applications and continue to provide new momentum for the innovation and development of the Industrial Internet.

Standardization work is a powerful tool to promote the high-quality and in-depth development of the Industrial Internet.  At the meeting, the alliance also released a programmatic document for the Alliance’s standard work – “Industrial Internet Standard System 3.0”.  The release of this document is of great guiding significance for the standardization work of the Alliance during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period.  It provides a reference for the “Guidelines for the Construction of Industrial Internet Comprehensive Standardization System (2021 Edition) and is a roadmap for the development of subsequent alliance standards.

At the end of the meeting, the relevant leaders of the working groups, ad-hoc groups and sub-alliances introduced their respective work progress and next-step work plans.

From the afternoon of the 14th to the 15th, each working group will also hold a working group meeting and a joint meeting to discuss the work progress, research results, and the following work plan of this quarter.

On the morning of the 16th, the Alliance will hold the second plenary meeting of the 18th Working Group Plenary Session, the 2021 Industrial Internet Achievement Conference, and the “Industrial Internet Intelligent Innovation Bay Area” series of theme activities conferences.  In addition, a batch of the latest essential achievements of the alliance will be released at that time.

On the afternoon of the 16th, the Alliance and several units organized technical lectures on industrial Internet science popularization and enterprise surveys to give you an in-depth understanding of the current situation of industrial development.